#WisdomWednesday – Mechanics of Oppression

Sometimes words give your heart wings and it floats. Sometimes words hit you so hard you feel like the impact they leave is so deep it should never heal.

I have documentarophilia. Don’t try to look it up it’s not in DSM-5, I’m working balls hard to get it in 6th though. I watch a lot of documentaries; a lot is an understatement. I am thirsty, hungry–and voyeuristically there is no better way to fulfill the desire to know more then to see it. I like going places but having social anxiety means that talking to people is difficult. Documentaries gives me the benefit of someone else’s research and work. I can learn a dilettante’s wealth of knowledge in a short term and then branch out from there. It’s like taste testing topics of interest–the ones that really appeal to me I can learn more about: more documentaries, books, online classes, and depending on location, travel. The things that don’t appeal I can put on mental dump or watch a couple more documentaries to see if it was “them” or “me”. The world is really a beautiful and wonderful place. People, even though large groups scare me, are fascinating. History and time is so transient, given to shifting perspective and the whim of the powerful, it’s a personal imperative of mine to gain as much knowledge as I can before I am also lost to the whims and shifts of history.

Acquiring knowledge is something I feel everyone should undertake. Your ability to learn and understand is your gift to yourself. It is the one thing that regardless of where you are and who you are, you can work for yourself. Knowledge isn’t always secrets and power. Knowing that means you understand the world is relative and not just black and white.

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#WisdomWednesday – Bad Boys vs. Heroes

I like my men the way I like my coffee: Evil.

I love my leading men ornery, mad, black-souled, twisted, tormented, tortured, given to doing bad, bad things. Those morally devoid male book figures give me an inordinate happy. Strange that what I love in book boyfriends all those, I would stab a man in the eye and whack off a willie for in the real world. But in a book… jealous men, who beat the shit out of everyone who looks twice at their girls make my feelies tickle. AND threats of spankins, being locked up, and never let out of one’s bedroom sounds like fun–not spousal abuse! No! No, a man who behaves heavy handed and proprietary is OBVIOUSLY just a werewolf, anything can be explained away if the bad boy has fangs, fur and a tail.

Now let me jump the tracks back from bondage, discipline, control and ownership to just dark and spicy. I also have a yen for the mens who can’t find their moral compass when it’s shown to them. I lurve me the dark men who don’t shrink at getting business handled in a world that is all grey space. In my own personal life, I have actually rubbed elbows with my demons and met my darkside and know that there is no black and white outside of the contrast dial and my mother’s way of thinking. All shit is relative to me. I do have a conscience; I relate to a large amount of things that squeeze your heartstrings. That said there comes a point where life comes down to business. I’m not saying that I’m going to join a MC, consort with mafia, rob banks, shoot drugs, help people murder others or torture people, animals or other’s eyeballs by wearing fluorescents and plaid. But I have an awareness and appetite for destruction. I try to feed it through books as not to have to whet it via real means.

I do medicate with heroes for the pain relief, but I shoot up with bad boys for the rush.

DAMN! That would have been a good quote for another #WisdomWednesday. I’m holding it patent pending and smacking copyright ownership on it!


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#WisdomWednesday – Do You Need A Refill?

I’m a realist until after my third, fourth and fifth cup… then I’m drunk on love and hyped up on TRUE happy juice!

I take few things seriously, only a handful of things come with sit-downs and ‘no-shitters’. Don’t fuck with my cats or my coffee and you will get away unscathed. I need my coffee to function and it’s a serious situation that comes with sit-downs, no-shitters, stomping, crying, screaming, tearing out my hair and hating the world when I don’t have any. I’m rather unpredictable during caffeine withdrawal and it can look a great deal like I’m having another psychotic break. It’s normal for me to talk to Bunny; when I don’t have coffee for a few days I begin to touch her like she lacks object permanence and is going to flash out of existence, but it looks like I’m the Log Lady from Twin Peaks and she is my log. My conversations with her will become more desperate about how I’m concerned about her breathing. Her  twitching eyes; perhaps she’s having an aneurysm? Her legs moving in her sleep, is she having seizures? She’s very patient and good natured but I’m convinced that on the second day she would more than willingly make me a cup of coffee herself to get me to leave her alone.

For the sake of Bunny, myself and my husband when he is at home, I take my coffee IV drip daily–just like my psych meds.


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Feed Me, Friday!

Sometimes I surprise myself and tossing crap together turns out freaking incredikittens! David and I are Old Mother Hubbarding it at the moment; our cupboards are quite bare. At the moment the only thing in my freezer is some vegan, gluten free meat substitute crumbles from Beyond Meat, a half eaten pint of D’s black cherry ice cream from Oikos and two gluten free hamburger buns that need to stay frozen until used. Our dry goods pantry is no better; it has a box of sugar cereal of D’s, a bunch of baking goods, tea, tamari packets, vinegars, soy sauce, diced tomatoes, vegetable broth and refried beans. We will die of starvation in a natural disaster or zombie apocalypse. As of this morning we ran out of cat food, we make our own and I’m actually more worried about them than us.

We do have a bunch of fresh vegetables in the fridge though. So fear not, we have a lot of perishables on hand. I’m praying that no power outages occur or we will be effed in the A.


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#WisdomWednesday – Hammer and Nails, Yo!

I get all my best advice from the mouths of people who capitalize on others dying.

I watch an overabundance of things that most people would scratch their heads at and ‘WTF?’ until the cows came home. A lot of documentaries on natural disasters, mass destruction, wars, dictators and despots and then tons of real life crime tv. Murder tv, if you want to call it that. I’m a pretty freaking morbid person, I guess. Oddly enough, I’m an incredibly optimistic and I don’t focus on these things because I’m planning a bloodbath or anything… I would like a bird bath though, and my birthday is coming up. Hint, hint.

Still I find myself catching nougats of gold from these broken and dark people who have looked into the abyss and do believe people are evil and that punishment and recompense must be paid in blood; Old Testament souls that are an eye for an eye and a family member for a family member. Today I caught this throughway line and had to pick it up clean it off and capture it forever. I think that it’s a beautiful saying so long as when you read it that you recognize that this saying is also a hammer.


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Conversations With David

Booby Blogs. Possessed Boobs. Women’s Interests.

David and I were on the way to Santee Lakes where he would get to run for his morning constitutional and I began this conversation in hopes that he could help me iron out what I might do for the themed guest blogs I do monthly on All The Things Inbetween blog. The Hashtag guest posts focus on one topic that authors get to write in on and tell their own story, give facts on, write lists about, yadda, yadda… Sometimes you just can’t talk to a man. Once they hear the word: ‘breast’, it’s visions of sugar tits dancing in their heads; there is no reining them in.Continue reading →

Collette West – Game Changer

It’s Sunday so it’s definitely time for a confession. Collette is unsecretly one of the best people out there writing books today. She is phenomenally wonderful to talk to and amazekittens as an author. This book I was deeply flattered to beta read for her and it was a really great story that I loved getting to have input as to what I thought she could do to make certain parts work more better-est. Confession? Because I’m still playing dig my ass out from under the Great Pyramid of Book Extravaganza I have yet to read the final product and I’m making a promise that I’m going to go right now, when I’m done with this post and open it up on my e-reader and start it… eff the stuff I needed to read by the end of last week, ’cause face it kittens, I’m already late, it’s not like I can get any less late than what I owed on Friday and hasn’t been posted. People who say, ‘only a little late’ are talking about periods and taxes. Everything else is LATE or not late.

I made this postagram for Collette when she first released Game Changer in July. This is the second in the series that focuses on the NY Kings baseball team and the romantical men and ladies of the fine franchise. Fear not, this series is written by someone who watches the sport so it’s purty ball-sy. Yep, I had to go there.


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Alexandra Christian – Gentleman Prefer Blondes Postagram

I’ve been making these images for a while now and I’ve nicknamed them postagrams. I made them specifically for my Instagram so that I could promote books I was reading and authors I love on -gram apps. So these images are perfectly sized for the square cropping you need for those apps or they are ideal to be used as an avatar. I’ve made these postagrams for Clara Stone’s new novel A Forever Kinda Love. Milly Taiden’s Unexpectedly Mated. Collette West’s Game Changer. And as you can see here I made one her for Alexandra Christian’s new erotic tingler, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Open this baby up and take a look!


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Conversations With David

There is absolutely no prompt for this conversation. David just randomly starts this one while watching Hemlock and playing World of Warcraft.

David: Apparently Siri used to answer the question I need to hide a dead body with mines, swamps, reservoirs… But someone must have done it because she doesn’t say that anymore.

Me: there is always someone that has to ruin all the fun.

David: its all fun until there’s a dead body.