Conversations With David

Booby Blogs. Possessed Boobs. Women’s Interests.

David and I were on the way to Santee Lakes where he would get to run for his morning constitutional and I began this conversation in hopes that he could help me iron out what I might do for the themed guest blogs I do monthly on All The Things Inbetween blog. The Hashtag guest posts focus on one topic that authors get to write in on and tell their own story, give facts on, write lists about, yadda, yadda… Sometimes you just can’t talk to a man. Once they hear the word: ‘breast’, it’s visions of sugar tits dancing in their heads; there is no reining them in.

Me: I’ve been trying to think of what I would make the theme of next month’s Hashtag guest posts. It occurred to me that it’s going to be Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October; I could do a cancer health and awareness theme. And then I guess also a slash–something like hauntings for people who don’t want to be so serious?

David: You want to do a booby blog?

Me: I was thinking a cancer theme. Do you think that would be too serious?

David: It goes well with the interest of your blog. You focus on romance and women’s issues–

Me: I also review a lot of Paranormal Romance.

David: I was getting to that. It could go either way. You could do both. Together! You could do haunted boobs!

Me: (Facepalm. Exasperated sigh)

David: Have you ever had possessed boobs?

Me: No.

David: Boobs!
