If Lost Please Return to 2016.

I am a big planner.

By planner I mean that I micromanage all things in my life and it often means that at the end of the year my resolutions are all focused on the year before. And there is almost always more than half dozen in number. They are like laws I make based upon my previous misbehaviour and their restrictions are an albatross around my neck. This year I decided to pick one damn thing that was doable and wouldn’t break my soul were I to wander off path at times.

Less a resolution, and more of a reminder.

This year I would do one thing a week that matters to me and makes me feel good about myself.

Seems simple enough. When all that mental crap grows and makes my days a trial; being sick and in pain, comes down around me; remembering that I have the chance, the choice if you will, to do something that matters is hard. Being chronically ill often feels dark and I need a tap on the shoulder reminding me that I can feel better with small things that I control.

2016, I’m happy to meet you. You don’t seem so bad, and if I lose my way please gently guide me back from 2015. There is no good reliving my woe and freedom is ahead.